Missed a major news story? Saw a headline that you wanted to read but didn’t have time? No worries, we’ve got you covered!

Our contributing news and politics editor puts together the week’s most important news information in quick summaries so you can get a high-level idea of what’s gone down in the world. You probably won’t see your latest celebrity gossip here, but you will see the latest on politics and news events. From racial justice info to COVID-19 updates, this roundup will help you catch up on everything that happened during the week. 


Derek Chauvin Convicted on All Three Charges In Murder of George Floyd

On Tuesday, a Minneapolis jury convicted ex-cop Derek Chauvin in the murder of George Floyd. After deliberating for only 10 hours, the jury returned guilty verdicts for all three charges: second-degree unintentional murder (40-year maximum), third-degree murder (25-year maximum), and second-degree manslaughter (10-year maximum). Chauvin will return to court in 8 weeks for sentencing. The unanimous decision is a rare but welcome instance of the legal system holding itself accountable. While justice will never be achieved because George Floyd’s life cannot be returned, accountability is a step in the right direction.



Outrage Over the Murder of 16-Year-Old Ma’Khia Bryant

Police in Columbus, OH, killed 16-year-old Ma’Khia Bryant after being called to a home disturbance. Body camera footage released by the police department shows that Bryant had a knife in her hand as police approached the scene. There are few details about what happened in the situation leading up to the officer’s arrival, but Bryant’s death is indicative of the larger issue of biased, racist policing that treats Black bodies as inherently dangerous.



Earth Day 2021

Earth Day was April 22, and President Biden hosted a virtual climate change summit on Thursday and Friday where he pledged that the United States will reduce its carbon emissions by as much as 52 percent by 2030. 40 other world leaders attended the summit, including Russian President Vladimir Putin and French President Emmanuel Macron.



News To Watch Next Week


Pres. Biden to Announce Next Steps in Economic Plan

President Biden is expected to outline the next steps of his economic plan, the American Family Plan, during a joint session of Congress next week. Expected changes include a tax increase on corporations and individuals who earn more than $400,000 each year. The plan will also likely call for tax credits that will reduce child care costs and make pre-K and community college free.

READ MORE on The New York Times


Fingers crossed for a break from tragic news next week. See you next Friday!



If you’ve had a long week or current events aren’t the most positive—reading the news can be draining. We understand. Personal news breaks are totally justified and sometimes necessary. No pressure if you need some time away from the headlines. Whenever you’re ready to read, we’ll be here.   


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